Real stars of gastronomy, cheeses tempt the most demanding gourmets. Plus, they pair well with wine!
Yes, but how exactly to match wine to cheese?
Let’s immediately reject the stereotypes: cheese and red wine. Of course, we in no way forbid you to experiment! Some cheeses go really well with red wine. But finding such a combination can sometimes be quite a difficult task.
If you’re in the mood for red, choosing local wines and local cheeses – such a combination is simply doomed to success. After all, products from the same region usually provide the best combinations.

Yes, aged hard cheeses from cow’s milk, such as Black Princess from the Shchedra Okolitsia cheese factory, are brilliantly enhanced by Cabernet 2017 Villa Tinta. And the mature 27-month-old Vertep goat’s milk cheese is perfectly combined with the oak-aged Odessa Black 2017.

By choosing white wine, we additionally balance the flavors and emphasize all the qualities of cheese and wine.
To Gewurztraminer 2018 Villa Tinta – French Munster.
Завдяки своїм ароматам троянди та лічі, Gewurztraminer є ідеальним супроводом Мюнстеру, тонко підкреслюючи його солодкість. Секрет цього вдалого поєднання ховається в самій технології виготовлення цього сиру: при дозріванні його скоринка омивається горілкою, виготовленою з вичавок саме з сорту Гевюрцтрамінер. До нього також чудово підійдуть блакитні сири: Горгонзола, Дор Блю, Блю д’Овернь, Рокфор…

To Riesling 2019 Villa Tinta – soft sheep’s or goat’s cheese.
Thanks to the pleasant long minerality and acidity, Riesling will fully allow you to enjoy the pleasant creaminess of young cheeses.

Want something more original?
Try a combination of Camembert and Tintarella Brut! The bubbles and mild sweetness of the sparkling add to the sweetness of the cheese, and the tingle of the bubbles balances the creaminess of the Camembert. From the Bessarabian specialties, the Gebzhalia cheese roll will be the perfect pair for sparkling wine.

Local Bessarabian cheeses, meat, wines and spices are now collected in one online store of the Ukrainian Bessarabian Road of Wine and Taste.
Enjoy your tasting!