From the evening of 03/19/2021 to the present, the raiding of the winemaking enterprise LLC “Vynhol Oksamitne” TM Villa Tinta has been ongoing.
The office of the company in Odesa is occupied: the doors are broken, the locks have been changed, aunts and lawyers are not allowed to enter the territory even by the police.
The video was shot on March 19, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. by Alina Tintulova in the premises of the Odesa office of Vynhol Oksamytne LLC at Korolev, 85a:
On the night of March 19, 2021, about forty aunts stormed a winery in the village of Oksamytne, Bolgrad district.
In November, the founder of the winery Valery Antonovych Tintulov passed away, his sons Yuriy and Kostyantyn began to take care of the family business. And while official inheritance issues were being resolved, some decided to take advantage of the situation. Illegally retroactively, notaries and registrars changed the owner and director of the enterprise.
“Not even six months have passed since the owner of the plant, my father Valery Tintulov, died, as raiders, despite the open inheritance case, re-registered the ownership right, and immediately sold both our enterprises Vynhol Oksamitne LLC and BTC AGRO LLC to a third party,” he says Yuriy Tintulov.
At the same time, Yuriy Valeriyovych described the following scheme for capturing both enterprises:
In connection with the death of Valery Antonovich Tintulov, the owner of Vynhol Oksamytne LLC, at the request of the legal heirs, on November 17, 2020, the notary registered the administrator of the estate – his legal wife, Tetyana Yakivna Tintulova.
However, it “suddenly” turns out that the ownership right has already been issued to Anna Mykhailivna Nankova, who allegedly acquired the ownership right to the corporate rights from Valery Antonovich Tintulov, back in 2018, about which there was no corresponding entry in the state register. The next step of the raiders is that Hanna Mykhailivna Nankov transfers the ownership of the corporate rights to Oleksiy Volodymyrovych Voloshyn, which is indicated in the State Register on March 17, 2021, and March 19, 2021. In both cases – registrar Golubenko A.V. Thus, a resident of the city of Mykolaiv, Oleksiy Volodymyrovych Voloshyn, became the owner of both companies.
As of today, it is known that the certificate of the right to engage in notarial activities of notary Oleksandr Hnydyuk, who certified the document of transfer of property rights to Ms. Nankova, has been annulled.
As it turned out later, this notary already managed to be the “star” of the issue of TSN about “black notaries“:
Yuriy Valeriyovych appealed to the law enforcement agencies to stop the raiding of businesses and deal with the situation, as well as to public organizations and mass media with a request for support.
Ukrvinprom and the Road of Wine and Taste of Ukrainian Bessarabia supported the legal verification of the fact of the change of owners.

We hope that after publicizing the situation, the raider seizure of Vinhol Oksamytne LLC will receive an appropriate legal assessment by the authorized bodies, and we ask everyone who is not indifferent to spread the information in order not to repeat the forceful scenario of seizure of the winery in the village. Velvet, while the Odesa office of the enterprise was captured by raiders.